Logo alojamientos Puerto Principe

Check-in online

Accommodations Puerto Príncipe


"Bienvenido a Pensión Puerto Príncipe”

Automatic access for customers with reservation

Before arriving, customers with a reservation will be able to check-in online from their mobile and access their stay without having to go through reception, thanks to electronic access.

How and when do I request the codes?

24 hours before the day of arrival you will receive an email as well as an SMS to the telephone number provided for the reservation, in which you can check-in online in a very simple and intuitive way at any time and from any device. (If the reservation is made the same day of entry you will receive the email at the moment of making the reservation). Once the registration is finished you will receive the access codes and instructions for entering the accommodation.

Codigo de acceso check in online alojamientos Puerto Principe


front door

Press the doorbell and push at the same time (automatic doorbell)


entry access code

Enter (ACCESS CODE) provided. The pilot will activate with a green light as soon as the door is pushed.


security box

Once inside, they are in the entrance hall, enter (CODE), then slide the left lever down, inside is the key to your room.

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